Friday, July 18, 2008

Make Your Own Baby Formula

Really. I thought this was so great. I wish I had known about it when my son was first born. I fed my son a few bottles of formula here and there in the first month or so. I didn't want to. I wasn't happy about it- especially when I read the label on the formula (yikes- what ARE those ingredients!). And I wanted to gag when I tasted it. But while waiting for my milk to come in and for a few weeks after my c-section when my husband needed to help me, I knew of no other option. (Pumping just never worked for me, unfortunately). Thankfully, my son speedily took to nursing and has never seen a bottle since.

Later on, a friend told me about a recipe for formula that she started making for her daughter when she went back to work. Her daugther is so healthy and just thriving on it. I thought this was fantastic- it would have been great to have had a natural and healthful option on hand when I needed it in the beginning. So I want to share:

And some FAQ:

And if you need more reasons to make your own, see the following articles:

CDC: Rocket Fuel Chemical Found in Baby Formula

90 Percent of U.S. Infant Formula May Be Contaminated with Melamine; FDA Abruptly Declares Chemical Safe for Babies

I also want to add that glass bottles are the way to go. Born Free (expensive) and Evenflo (inexpensive) sell them- I've seen the Evenflo at Babies 'R' Us and Burlington Coat Factory. That is the brand I went with. I use them now for water and they are very durable (dropped multiples times) and of course, safe. You'll never have to worry about any of the things that are used to make plastic leaching into the fluid. I highly recommend them- they are great.


shana said...

thank you that was very reassuring, however, have you ever heard of goat's milk?

Amber said...

Yes, my friend who makes this recipe for formula actually makes it with goat milk :)

Anonymous said...

could you please re-post the recipe? it goes to an error page when i click on it. it would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much :D

Vanessa said...

I'm posting the hyperlink since the above has an error:

Vanessa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RC said...

There is no need to supplement with formula while waiting for your milk to come in. The colostrum (pre-milk) is enough for the baby in the first few days as long as you are healthy and hydrated. I just wanted to point that out :)