A friend led me to the Weston Price Foundation website. It is great nutritional resource- absolutely worth the read. It will make you think about food and more in a whole new way. In the future, I'm sure I will post articles from it that I feel are extra important because it's a lot to sift through and so much of value.
Hi! I saw your blog from the vaccine group on yahoo. I love the weston a price foundation. Did you know they have a quarterly newsletter (more like a book) that they send out as well. It is so good. I have learned so much. I think your blog is great. I am going to link it to mine, if that is okay?
Sarah Bailey
Sure Sarah, link away :) Ah, thanks for reminding me about their newsletter- I was meaning to subscribe and forgot about it. I checked out your blog and I wanted to say your kids are gorgeous!!!
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