When I was at the dentist this past weekend, she asked me why I wanted to know about what the ingredients were in the filling material. I had them send me the package inserts weeks in advance. I told her I am leery of numerous components (especially fluoride leaching) and I like to be an informed consumer.
Later she started talking to me (because of my almost 7 month old) about how babies are being started on "fluoride vitamins"at 6 months. I was really shocked. Um, what? Maybe I have been in the dark, but I hadn't heard about that before. Great, just what babies need, to be overdosed with fluoride AND vaccines.
I really didn't want to discuss it and just laughed it off saying, "Well, my son doesn't have teeth yet anyway". (Read: As if you'll ever catch me giving that to my son.)
She said, "Oh, well they don't need to have any- it's to get the fluoride in their system before they get teeth."
So when I was paying my copay, I couldn't help myself. I just had to say something. I asked her, "Don't you think if children's diets were better (they didn't eat processed food, sugar, and all that other nasty stuff) that they wouldn't need fluoride?"
She said, "Well, a long time ago people didn't eat those things and they had more cavities than today." (This is debatable!)
"Sure", I said, "But then their hygiene habits then were not as good as today. Today our hygiene is very good."
She looked stumped and kept saying, "Well, studies prove that fluoride prevents cavities...blah blah blah".
I am not arguing about whether fluoride does or does not prevent cavities, but if people just ate better and continued to take care of their teeth well, I think that would certainly alleviate the need for fluoride. Not to mention how much fluoride all of us are already ingesting through our water supply and food. Fluoride is a toxin- bottom line! I was really feeling so disgusted at the fact people actually pump their babies full of this stuff. Funny enough, as I was about to go, her assistant who was standing right near her, asked my recommendation for a fluoride-free toothpaste for another patient they have. That kind of made me chuckle inside.
There are many sites to research fluoride- but here a couple to get started. Do the research yourself- see what you think! No matter which way you lean, be informed.
Hi Amber! Nice blog! I am glad that you are an informed consumer. Being a pediatric dentist, as you know, I look at it from both sides. In dental school they don't teach us about the harmful effects of what we use and that alternatives CAN work. Many dentists think that its one way or the highway.
There is a big community in NJ that gives fluoride tablets to children who dont have fluoride in their water, without even looking at their risks! The bottom line is, each child is different as well as the family. You see, we know now that the amount and particular strains of bacteria are what cause cavities. And all the processed foods children eat today (all day long!) is really the culprit. It doesn't matter how much fluoride you get if your diet is poor. Its sad that people today, and kids don't LIKE the taste of water! I mean, what is more natural than water? We are made of mainly water and we dont even like it!
Anyway, I am thinking of doing a blog myself because I have a lot to stay.
Thanks for commenting Noor ;) I knew you'd have something to contribute! You should definitely do a blog- I bet you have a lot of important info!
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