Lucky for me, I met someone through a Craigslist transaction (really!) and we became good friends. She urged me to research vaccinations- she does not vaccinate her daughter who is my son's age (7 months old). At first I thought, oh, well he needs shots- think of those horrible diseases you can get. Although I really couldn't name one off the top of my head....and I certainly couldn't tell you anything about them. Then I thought, well, if we go to Egypt, there's much worse there and he'll need to be protected, won't he? I didn't realize how socially ingrained the concept of vaccinating is and I just assumed it's what we had to do, what we should do and the best thing. But my friend encouraged me to research again and because I have an open mind and realized that I did not know anything about vaccinations that I should do my research.
What I initially found was quite shocking. I talked to my husband and we decided to cancel my son's 4 month "well-baby visit" (Read: "shot-visit") until we could do more research and come to a conclusion. Now, my husband and I both have our masters and we're no strangers to research, so we delved in. We looked at 3 things initially- just the facts. There are many pro and con vaccine websites and books out there, but first we needed to put all debates aside and look at the heart of the matter.
1. What are the recommended vaccinations?
2. What ingredients do these vaccines have in them?
3. What are the diseases they are vaccinating against and the details? (How statistically possible is it to get it? What happens if you do get it? What is the treatment for it?)
I think the recommended number of vaccinations is what is quite unbelievable at first. Why is it that the amount has increased SO drastically since say, we were children or even our parents were children, yet there have been no new diseases or epidemics that require such measures? It is easy to see if you follow the trail of money...doctors, drug companies, politicians- vaccines make their businesses extremely profitable. Why not make more and more? Sadly, there are no long term studies on how these vaccines affect the health of those they are injected into- but who cares- it's all about the money, isn't it? All you will hear from doctors is that vaccines are "safe and effective." Where is the proof? I do not want the 96+ viruses injected into my son- his immune system is perfect as-is. The vaccines can only overwhelm and weaken it.
I think the most shocking for us was the second thing we researched- the ingredients. Just go to the Center for Disease Control website. They list all the ingredients.
I think I will pass on the mercury, aluminum, monkey kidney tissue, aborted fetus cells, formaldehyde and much more, thank you. I felt like puking after reading what they inject helpless babies with. And this is coined "safe"? Who are they fooling? I will not say more about the ingredients- I believe they speak for themselves if you take the time to look. Or take a peek at the package inserts for the vaccines that your doctor probably will not go over with you. Wait, I guarantee that he or she will not. See for yourself why.
The last thing, the diseases, definitely took the longest time to research. Although after we did, the picture became crystal clear. We realized that the diseases which there is a possibility of contracting are not inherently dangerous. (Yes, I did survive the chicken pox.) And those that are dangerous are almost impossible to contract. You might think- well that's because vaccines eradicated them. Not so. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to prove this. Try and find some. Take polio for example. It went away in Europe at the same time as here in the States, yet in Europe they did not vaccinate widely as they did here. So what gives? Better hygienic conditions most likely. Also, the polio vaccination was developed as the cases of the disease were already on the decline. But most people, previously including me, don't know these things. This article was a fabulous resource for us to congeal the whole scenairo.
So as we plugged through each disease, we crossed one more vaccine off the list. Until we didn't have any left. And then we felt better. Freer. At least that's how I felt. I remember when we gave my son his 2 month shots (albeit split into 2 visits per my mother's recommendation), I just felt that it was wrong. I do not know why- maybe it was instinct. When we came home and he screamed for 4 hours straight the top of his lungs and ran a fever, I just knew all this could not be a good thing. And now I know why I felt that way.
Also, after this research I came to ponder all the claims of autism, developmental delays, allergies, asthma and even cancer- as well as many other things people never had when I was a kid. Why? What's changed so drastically since then that these conditions are so extremely prevalent in children today? I am a teacher (or rather former, since I am now a SAHM) and I often cannot believe the problems of today's children. Always sick, allergic to everything under the sun, multiple learning disabilities...I personally think it has to do with vaccines. I also think that diet, chemicals in the environment and antibiotics have a thing of two to do with it as well.
So as my mind was opened up to "possibilities", I continue to research vaccines. It is fascinating and there is a wealth of information available that your doctor certainly will not give you. So don't take his or her word for it- arm yourself with knowledge! While I research vaccines, I am also learning how to boost my son's immune system naturally. So if he contracts the measles or chicken pox or the flu, he can be in tip-top shape to fight it off the way nature intended.
This is really the short version of our journey. There is an absolute plethora of information available online and in books about vaccines- which is why I am still learning and reinforcing our decision. But my advice: stick to facts and don't get carried away in the controversy. Decide what you think. Decide what is best for your child. And don't get caught up in "fear" or what your doctor says or that you need shots to go to school (you don't- there are exemption letters in most states). Because before I researched- really researched- I would have just gone along with the herd. So good luck- and do your research. Your kids will thank you.
Great info! Thanks! What are you giving your son to boost his immune syster? I have three boys under age 4 and don't vaccinate. I only give them a daily vitamin but am looking for something in addition. Any ideas? Thanks for the great article. I couldn't agree more!! Misty
Thanks Misty :) Sorry not to reply sooner- I have been neglecting my blog! Well, right now my son nurses so breastmilk is what I give him- but I do make sure to feed him an organic whole food diet when he eats his little meals. I think diet its the best boost- but what about probiotics? Or food with them like yogurt or kefir? Lactofermented foods like saukraut or beet kvass? And raw milk I think makes the biggest difference for me personally. I think it is great what you are doing- I'm so happy to hear from others that don't vaccinate!
Masha Allah! Thanks for putting all the links I need in one spot. My daughter has a heart defect - so I can't take her to my normal NP/ND/midwife for care. I've literally spent 45 mins. talking to a "disease specialist" trying to guilt me into giving her a Hep B vaccination at birth - like she's going to have sex or be exposed to someone else's blood anytime soon?!?!?!? And of course every other specialist acts as if she'll die if she doesn't get "shots". Ah.. those of little faith, only God knows when she'll pass if any time soon. Thanks for posting.
I love your blog! My brother and sister-in-law are trying find a healthy, soy-free formula for their infant son because he is eating sooo much and her breastfeeding cannot keep up, so I googled "make your own baby formula" and your blog came up. I agree with so much of what you say about healthy eating, fluoride, vaccinations, etc. Great reading -- thank you for putting good information out there.
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